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Piedmont Church of God of Prophecy offers a variety of ministry opportunities for all ages.  These include nursery, children, teenagers, college and career, women, men, seniors, praise team and band, and homeless.


Yvonne Dickson heads up this ministry on Sunday mornings.  Ages of four and under are carefully and lovingly supervised as well as taught lessons, given a snack, and enjoy age-appropriate crafts from 10:00-12:30. This ministry opens up the opportunity for parents to participate in other ministries as well as attend Worship and Word. 


Carrie Hatley leads children ages 5-11 in the Piedmont Kids.  They learn to love Jesus while contributing to the church on their own level.


Pastor Thomas and Carrie Hatley pour into ages 12-17 in the L.I.T.E. ministry.  They are learning to be the Light In The Earth.


In this group, we have many who serve in other ministries of the church.  It is always good to carve out some time to have fun and laugh with (and sometimes laugh at) others your age.  How great that we can pull strength from others! 


The women’s ministry at Piedmont is called “SOS”, Sisters of Strength.  Cindy Watson is the SOS ministry president.  Within this ministry, we engage in Bible studies, prayer partners, missions, retreats, and much more.  It is our goal to strengthen each other in Christ.


Tommy Bagwell is the leader of this group.  We enjoy a monthly breakfast with a time of prayer and adventures outside the church walls as well. Our latest adventure turned us “Fishers of Men” into “Men who Fish”.  We had so much fun!  Who caught the biggest fish? Well, that depends on who you ask! 


Our senior citizen group is called “JOY”-Just Older Youth.  We experience joy in the Lord and joy in each other’s company!  The JOY group enjoys monthly outings to dinner, Bingo nights, pizza parties, game nights, day trips, state retreats, and conferences.  You name it, JOY is up for it! 


A very important part of each service at Piedmont is music.  We are blessed to have some very talented musicians and singers who have a heart of worship for the Lord.  We meet at 10:00 for practice on Sunday mornings where often the Holy Spirit moves as we practice.  We call it the “service before service”. 


We have a homeless/disadvantaged ministry at Piedmont Church of God of Prophecy called “Chosen You” led by Jessica Stewart.  Monthly meals are prepared and delivered to homeless shelters, known homeless camps, poor families, and elderly people.  Jesus said when we minister to these, we have ministered to Him.

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